Boomer Parents Failed Their Kids Who Are Woefully Unprepared for Adulthood

It starts with the parents. Boomer (and Gen X) parents flipped out when their precious Johhny didn’t receive a prize for placing last in the science fair.

Boomer Parents Coddled Kids

Millennials and Gen Z’s parents sought to “protect” them from all the harsh realities of life. They attacked teachers for awarding failing grades instead of ensuring their kids stepped up in school.

Millennials and Gen Z Didn’t Learn Life Skills

At the same time, older generations continuously voted for politicians and parties that limited their kids’ opportunities.

Voting Against Kids Interests

Then they wonder why their kids can’t form healthy relationships, struggle to find good jobs and seek mental health care at record rates.

Kicked Out and Failing

Of course, they can’t blame their horrible parenting skills or voting record, so it must be the child’s fault they’re unsuccessful.

They Blame the Kids

We love to blame Boomers for all society’s ills, but it’s not their fault. They were filled with lead as children and brainwashed to fear any social changes as adults.

Not All the Parent’s Fault

We love to blame Boomers for all society’s ills, but it’s not their fault. They were filled with lead as children and brainwashed to fear any social changes as adults.

Not All the Parent’s Fault